Saturday, March 7, 2009

Busy Bee

I have been doing a lot of running around on my own time for music stuff also support work at the studio (compared with the first few months) and it has been really fun. I got to do some robot zombies for Steve Lieber and a flaming wreck of a limousine for Ron Randall. I am working on an intro comic for the new WEBSITE and I went back and colored the last panel of the sketchbook prequels that launched White Pony.

It was/is called "The Sword of Adamas" which everyone reads as 'sword of adams' but they are wrong. It was similar to how the kids at my day job kept asking me where to find the 'notification' section of the library for their scavenger hunt yesterday-because they were just glancing at the words and assuming without reading them that they knew what it said... Nonfiction is different by a bit than notification. ADAMAS means unconquerable in Greek, I think, I read it in an eyewitness book about geology last year while reading to the kids. It is the root word for diamond. In my dorky mind it instantly equated with a warrior-king in a fantasy style epic about swords and magic monsters.

Nathan has agreed to post that comic and I will get back to Cavemen Vs. Aliens, or CVA as we call it to avoid any confusion with other properties, in the very near future armed with what now I know about how to draw better comics. This new knowledge was brought to you by The fine people at Periscope Studio. Paul Tobin gave me a nice short crit the other day and I employed his suggestions immediately to a positive effect in the panel I was working on at the time. This panel in fact:

He suggested less feathering-or hatch marks around forms. Let the objects breath more and don't feel tempted to cover every inch. So I went back in with pro white and tried to give it a little room for the eye to rest. He also told me to draw faster which should please Nathan. So thanks Paul.

I lettered this digitally at the studio tonight and did some digital clean up.

Also Thanks to Jeff Parker who gave me comics and to Ron and Steve for bringing in healthy snacks to counteract my doughnut invasion.

Steve also turned me on to this guy... Who's name I'll post along with a link when I get down to the studio today. And here it is as promised:

Rudolfo Damaggio who is a grade A bad-ass

Please check out and tell your friends. It is new and will have regular updates. We are getting serious... Seriously fun (drumroll cymbal crash)

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