Saturday, January 31, 2009

Melee Guys Working Overtime...Workout

Here are a few new black and white pages of 'White Pony.' I usually put grey tints into them and then send them to Nathan for lettering and dialogue reform. That process typically clocks in around 30-45 minutes. We're trying to go for speed and energy with this project. I specifically want to produce a lot of pages quickly so I can improve my storytelling, composition, anatomy, backgrounds, proportions and a whole host of other things that come from really drawing everyday. I had a professor once who said that you can't really make good work without making a whole bunch of bad work first. so here is some of that 'bad work' although it is starting to get a little more toward the end of the spectrum I hope to reach-the Nowlan/Mignola junction.

Well all aside from that little description, Nathan has just finished lettering a long term project that I had done art for and this means more comics for all. I have been working on 3 comics; CVA, RTD and White Pony. I also got a chance to mess around a little with a Cintq display and it was pretty sweet. Even without knowing any keystrokes or shortcuts I was able to do an almost fully rendered drawing of the Hulk in under 10 minutes. Crazy. I didn't save it cause I did it at the studio and I also didn't think it was worth showing-I want to try doing a multi layer piece starting with a hand rendered sketch. The important thing is that I have confidence about my potential with that equipment.

I talked with Nathan over the last few days and he is working on revamping the website to reflect our new aesthetic and store of content. I don't imagine that many people out there will read our blog before we get the new stuff up but I am making a good faith effort to post regularly so that if there is a fan base, eventually, those excellent people will know we cared and worked before we knew people were watching.

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