Friday, January 8, 2010

First Work of the New Year.

I have a dear friend who loves both Thor and Ghost Rider. He and I have been very close since we were about 3 years old and he is also a close friend of my dear old pal Nathan, with whom I co-created 'tales from the white pony'(amongst other webcomics) and share this blog. We love this guy. For his birthday/Christmas/engagement I thought I might make him a little commission that he could put up on his wall:

This piece took quite a while because I started from a little sketch, did tight pencils, inked it and then painted it by hand. I'm going to send it off to him in a few days framed but you all get to see a scan of it before I do! Below are some of the steps that I took on the path to the finished image.




I did some color roughs too but I don't think they are different enough from the final picture to merit inclusion. If you want a commission of this type from me shoot an email to melee comics and we can work out a rate. This one only cost my buddy Ben B 26 years worth of friendship.

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